Rihuum Intercontinental Limited, based in Nigeria, offers a diverse range of specialised services. These include: - Website and application design and development - Programming and networking - Thin Client PC Solutions - Digital marketing and advertising services - Content creation, blogging, and social media brand management - Video production Their expertise also extends to IT security installations for homes and offices, including home and office automation, infrared and microwave barrier installation, intercom installation, and CCTV installation. Additionally, they focus on integration, market research, product development, PCB assembly, in-house coupling and manufacturing, training, cloud computer setup, and biometric/RFID access control. The company also provides electronic security systems, fibre-optic and VSAT network services, fleet management, car tracking and telemetry services, software development, and e-business solutions.

Cameron Williamson

Senior Reporter / Themepure

Bangladesh /Age : 32 years


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